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Friday, October 21, 2011


Last year One Iowa started the LGBTQ Panel. The panel was filled with students and faculty who either identified as an ally or as lesbian, gay, bisexual,and transgendered. The panel opened up new doors for Central. It allowed students and faculty to engage in a safe open conversation on topics related to LGBTQ.

This year, the LGBTQ Panel was held again in the Vermeer Science Building. I once again was able to participate on the panel as a bisexual woman on campus. I was a little nervous to do so because you never know the reactions of people, but this year was great! There was a great conversation between the panelists and the audience. The audience and the panelists both remained very respectful to eachother. I also felt that both parties walked away learning a little bit more than before.

At this particular panel several questions ranging from coming out stories to what rights should lgbtq person get were asked. One thing that struck me during the questions was the willingness of all the panelists to share their story. They were willing to open up a part of their lives to help people understand a little bit more. As I was sitting there on the panel, I felt kinda proud to be there. I was proud to be next to people that were brave enough to share so much.

This really made me think about how I approach people who seem hostile or unwilling to budge on the subject of LGBTQ rights. Normally, I just get fed up and walk away, but the panel taught me that with some patience and respect for eachother both parties can walk away with a different opinion. I am not saying either parties will come to an agreement, but both parties will learn a little bit more about the other.

Now whenever I am faced with an issue, I think back to the panel and take a deep breath. I remember the patience, respect, and honesty all the panelists gave. From there I move forward, and have found in most cases it has led to a better understanding.

I encourage everyone to try it!!

have a lovely friday!

p.s. some new events that are coming up! Walk a Mile in Her Shoes and Dutch in Drag. Also be looking out for a Hot Topix Workshop!

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